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Welcome to Gyanasthali

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Learning is fun here

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Quality education

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High Quality Education

Gyanasthali High School is an inclusive school and strives for excellence in academic and non-academic activities to mould a child into a wholesome personality. The School is committed to providing an exceptional educational journey based on the principal that each child is unique and is endowed with specific skills. Personality, necessary to become a confident and independent individual prepared for the responsibilities of life and their own well-being is the focus of educating the child. Self-respect and respect for others is fostered in a caring and cooperative environment to harness leadership and interpersonal skills so that he/she can grow up to be a citizen in a modern and evolving society.

  • A sprawling campus, spacious enough to provide and fulfill all the facilities that every child requires.
  • Academic facilities include a library, lab, music and dance hall as well as a multi-purpose hall, which can be used for indoor sports and cultural activities.
  • The outdoor sports activity will include a football field, athletic track, basketball, volleyball, cricket pitch & swimming pool with a licensed coach and guard.

Discover our School

The Gyanasthali High School academic program endeavors to inspire students to become lifelong learners. Our staff strives to stimulate our students to challenge themselves to pursue lives of integrity and relevance. Courses are designed to produce thoughtful, resilient, independent, and critical thinkers. Our curriculum meets the needs and expectations of all our learners so that they may pursue a rigorous, purposeful, and enriching education.

What Parents say

About Us

About Our School

Since 2010, Gyanasthali has been stressing the fundamental elements of a traditional education. Our goal is to graduate independent learners, whose mastery of basic skills and academic curiosity will serve as the bedrock of a purposeful life. We believe this is one reason why our students traditionally attend some of the finest universities in the nation - Gyanasthali students not only want to learn, they know how to learn.

As a school, we are able to focus all of our attention on the ever important early childhood and early adolescent years. We understand that our students are not only growing academically, but physically and emotionally as well. Younger students are given an opportunity to learn from our older boys and girls, and middle school children are challenged to be role models and to lead - two often overlooked, but critical steps in a middle schooler’s development. In addition to our emphasis on academic excellence, we stress and value the character development of each child. Respect, compassion, responsibility, and honour are just a few of the ideas that we strive to instill in our students.

Gyanasthali is a place where your child will be known and nurtured. It is a school founded on academic excellence and committed to providing our students with a solid educational foundation that will carry them through a lifetime of learning.

Our Activities

Gyanasthali has a rich tradition in athletic competition. Our athletes and coaches strive for excellence in each of our fourteen different sports.
Gyanasthali athletes train and compete in state of the art facilities that include two lawn tennis courts, two basketball courts, two volleyball courts, and a yoga/wellness room.

In Performing Arts Students perform in plays & musicals; they also participate in several musical groups, including orchestra in Lower School & choral groups for Lower & Upper School.
In Visual Arts, the fine arts curriculum presents challenges that are intellectual, physical, and creative.

Celebrating festivals and fairs are a fun here in Gyanasthali. We arrange stalls and stage functions.

Daily Routines

  • 7.30 School gates open
  • 7:40 Doors open for the children
  • 12:00 Lunch starts (Reception)
  • 7:50 Registration for all children (all children in by this time)
  • 10:55 – 11:10 Morning break
  • 1:10 Pupils return to class
  • 1:15 Registration for all children
  • 3:00 End of school day for Reception/EYFS and Years 1 & 2
  • End of school day for all other children and start of clubs
  • Library facilities
  • Arts and Music
  • Games & Sports
  • Clubs

Our Team

Visit Us Today!

Come meet our students, who can’t wait to tell you how much they love school. Chat with our expert teachers, who inspire, challenge, and encourage each student every day. Meet with parents to hear why they chose Gyanasthali and how much they appreciate the warm, welcoming school community. You will also have the opportunity to review curriculum, watch performances and tour the campus with the help of a student guide. Parents and children are encouraged to attend together. There is no cost or obligation, and reservations are recommended, however walk-in registration is also available.

Upcoming Events

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Call us 06122664076

We are located at Alamganj, Police Chowki, Patna City

We belong to LMC GROUP of schools.